Dear Sprout,
This weekend, Daddy went camping with some friends. You and I have spent some extra special time with Grammy and Grampy. And yesterday, we got to have a mommy and son play day!
Our day started as wonderfully as any day could start. Thanks to Grampy, we had a chocolate chip pancake breakfast! Afterwards, we listened to Jewel and drove to the mall where we shared an M & M sugar cookie. We tried to find you a chic holiday tie at The Children's Place ... but they were out.
One of the best parts of our day was our visit to Target. We had a great time there, except for one minor detail. You decided to chew the buckle on the shopping cart and that was not good for my nerves because I am neurotic to begin with. The most wonderful part was shopping for our Sunday school class's Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. You and I decided that we would get baby necessities. Therefore, we picked up lots of Vaseline, baby powder, and baby wipes. Working on shoe boxes with you is very special to me and to your daddy. When I was pregnant with you, Daddy and I made several boxes to send out. We day dreamed about being able pack boxes with you and your siblings in the future. Next year, you will get to help Bean pack his or her shoe box! Soon you too will understand what a special thing that is.
Side note: We recently tried a new brand of diapers that you were allergic to and you got a rash; it breaks my heart to know that there are lots of families in our world that are not as fortunate as we ... many mommies and daddies don't have anything to help their little ones when they get a rash or when they are sick. Anyways, it was your recent rash that made us think about getting such items for our shoe boxes.
On the way home, we picked up two hamburger Happy Meals -- one for me and one for you. You and I love those things! You ate your whole hamburger, drank your whole milk, and played with your toy in the bathtub.
Our last adventure was Walmart. And it was an adventure indeed. You see, Walmart is a sight to behold during the holidays! There are people everywhere! When we entered, you were given a little Walmart sticker and then we slowly made it through the maze of shoppers. We bought ingredients for our pre-Thanksgiving dinner. This choice was inspired by the fact that your Grammy and Grampy never have had green bean casserole! Can you believe it?!
Once we got back to Grammy and Grampy's, Grammy and I started working on dinner. And you and Grampy had a time. When everything was prepared, we had oven fried turkey cutlets, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries, and pumpkin pie. That is my kind of dinner! And guess what ... Grammy and Grampy loved the casserole!
At bedtime, you and I snuggled under the warm covers. I sang Amazing Grace to you -- that's your favorite going-to-sleep song. It always has been ... and I think it always will be. Before I knew it, you were fast asleep. That being said, I still held you for a little while before you were placed in your own bed. Sometimes mommies and babies just need some extra snuggling time.
And so my baby Sprout, that was our day. Me and you ... you and me ... Eating cookies, getting shoebox goodies, making a feast, and singing ourselves to sleep. Lots of people have told me and Andrew that these busy days will be among the best days of our lives. And do you know what? We believe those wise people one-hundred percent.
Love always,
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