Sprouting a Family

Sunday, May 27, 2012


And so begins the waiting game...

Yep.  That's right!  These last several days have been characterized by me anticipating our little Bean's arrival.  I have been have lots of contractions and lots of pressure and lots of "is this it?" thoughts.  However, our little Bean is still cooking.  And as much as I want to hold her, in my heart I know that she's right where she needs to be.  (Random side note:  Sprout just pulled his sister's diaper cream out of the trunk of his tricycle and ran it to his daddy.  That boy is so funny and cute:  Note to self:  check tricycle trunk often).  I am praying for patience ... this is something that I really need to work on.  But I do know that God knows exactly when little Miss will be born and I also know that His timing and His plans are always best.

I stopped working.  I had planned on working until I gave birth.  However, it just got too hard.  My body is doing it's own thing at this point and last week I knew that I had to stop.  This was (still is) hard for me because I am used to making a plan and sticking with it.  Again, this is yet another example where I need to accept that I am not in control of everything ... nor should I be.

Right now, I will relish the time that I have with my family -- because family time is one of the most special things in the entire world.  These waiting days will not be spent in vain.  Rather, they will be filled with priceless memories made by me and my husband and our little boy and our sweet (and stubborn) little girl.

Well, that's it folks!  Thank you for reading!   Please keep our growing family in your thoughts and prayers.


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