Dear Sprout,
Right now, I am sitting "criss-cross-applesauce" (as my first graders would say). And, on top of my lap, you are fast asleep. Your head is rested on one of my legs and your feet are propped up on the other. This is your very favorite sleeping position of all. You always sleep with your right hand above your head and oftentimes your lips make little itty-bitty sucking motions while you dream. I guess you are dreaming about eating; after all, that is one of your favorite things to do! I love watching you sleep. I love caressing your sweet little head while watching your lips make surprise smiles here and there. I love holding your dimpled hands and kissing your soft baby feet. You are not a big napper but you will happily fall sleep if you are held. Lots of babies are big sleepers and will nap almost anywhere ... but not you. Daddy says that you are a lot like me ... social ... you want to be with a loved one all of the time. I guess that's one reason you and I get along so well. We can be doing nothing but sitting criss-cross-applesauce and napping -- but we are doing these little nothings with someone we love and that makes everything perfect.
Love always,
Sprouting a Family
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
I Love You

Dear Sprout,
Well, me and Daddy were eating dinner and you fell asleep in your swing. You have had such fun packed days and it's good for you to get some rest. You are like me in that we don't like to sleep because there is too much to do and to see! However, sometimes sleep is the best thing for us. So while you sleep, I will write.
Instead of writing about our exciting day in the snow, I just want to tell you how very much I love you. You are the most amazing and precious little man. I have so loved being your mommy -- I cannot begin to describe how much. I love holding you, hugging you, and kissing your little cheeks over and over again. Your smile is the sweetest thing I have ever seen and it never ceases to put a lump in my throat because I just can't believe how happy I am. Being married to your dad and being your mommy ... well, it's the best. It's like, for the first time, I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
Now it's night time. I suppose I should get some rest as well. Sweet dreams, my little one. Tomorrow, another adventure awaits us. Me and you and Daddy, we'll have another special day together. And that is what I have learned -- a day together as a family will always be a very special day, indeed.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Love always,
Saturday, December 25, 2010
May Your Days be Merry and Bright!

Dear Sprout,
Your first Christmas was, in a word, spectacular. Right now, you are in your grandparents' living room, squealing with delight while playing with your toys. Your gifts are simple and heart felt. Grampy and Grammy got you two toy trucks and a peg board that you can beat with a plastic hammer. And man, are you having fun with all three of those items! Crystal got you a Christmas bear, the Williams got you a singing dog, Rachel got you the cutest dinosaur pajamas, and Uncle Al contributed to your sportsman's license along with your great-grandparents. Mommy and Daddy bought you a play yard with a foam mat -- as you on the verge of becoming a very mobile young man! Little guy, you have so many people that love you and these gifts are just tokens of their deep affections for you.
Mommy and Daddy received beautiful gifts as well. We are so humbled by the tremendous thoughtfulness that we have been shown throughout this year. Honestly, people have gone out of their way to help our young and growing family. We hope that we can impact lives like others have impacted ours. Amazing.
Your daddy and I enjoy making gifts for one another. We are more able to share our hearts that way. In the past, Daddy has made Mommy a book of poems, drawings, dinners by candlelight, and a chicken mailbox... I have loved everything Daddy has ever given me, but what he did this year brought me to tears of happiness. He produced and narrated a DVD of our love story. Really, it was a love story and a love letter intertwined into one beautiful media presentation. One day, when you are married, Daddy will be the one to mentor you on how to make your wife the happiest woman on earth! I made Daddy a book starring YOU! I went on and made a storybook of your pictures showing all the things that you love. And then, on the very last page, it shows a single snapshot of you and daddy -- it reads, "Alan Wade loves his daddy very, very much." The book is not grand by any means, but it was a way for me to share my sincere affections.
Every single Christmas that ever was, and ever will be, is truly wonderful. However, this year God did something very neat, indeed. He gave us something that Mommy and Daddy have wanted for a long time. He gave us snow on this special day. Yes, your very first Christmas was a white Christmas! We watched it start to snow as we ate breakfast. Then, we promptly layered you in four outfits, put an elf hat on top of your head, and took you outside to experience this splendor first hand! Little man, you are definitely like us in that your love for snow is already apparent. We could tell that you were fascinated. To be quite honest with you, no matter how many times you see snow, it will always leave you in awe. And to experience that very awe on Christmas, well, that's something that you will treasure in your heart for a lifetime.
Finally, my sweet baby Sprout, I want to leave you with one very important thought. Christmas will most likely be your favorite time of year. It certainly is mine. The allure of brightly decorated trees, harmonious carols, family, friends, shiny presents, and tons of good cheer will make you anticipate this day for pretty much the entire year. Celebrate with all of your being ... but please do not forget what Christmas is. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He came on this earth to save mankind from sin. It is because of Him that we can have a saving faith that will secure a place for us in heaven for all eternity. Could you even begin to imagine a gift that comes remotely close to that one? No one can. So my little man, have fun today and every other December 25th to follow. Love every marvelous facet! Smile until your cheeks hurt and love as much as you possibly can. Give to others. Remember that God is the true giver of all good things. Thank Him. Love Him. Celebrate Him on Christmas and every day ... forever.
Merry Christmas, baby.
Love always,
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Snow globe

Today it snowed big fat snowflakes. I felt like I was inside of my very own snow globe. If you looked inside my snow globe, you would see Christmas trees trimmed in white. If you looked beyond the trees, you would notice a quaint blue cottage filled with warmth. You might even notice two lovers in blue jeans walking hand-in-hand. She is holding a little baby wearing a bear cub snow suit. Books, hot chocolate, cardigan sweaters, friends, and family are scattered all around. There is a small town with an illuminated star and a manger scene filled with school children. Townspeople are kept warm by a bonfire and its sparks resemble lightning bugs flying high up into the sky. The snow is not falling any more. Everything is still and the day is done. How I wish that somehow my little globe could be turned upside down and shaken and placed back onto the table. I would love to have my snowy day replayed again and again. How I love simple days like this one.
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