Dear Sprout,
Today is Wednesday and my week off is half way through. It's been a busy and wonderful couple of days. We celebrated your birthday and Easter over the weekend. And, thus far, our week has consisted of home improvement projects. Hopefully, I will create a lot of separate posts that further explain all of these many many many things. For now, a quick list will have to suffice. :-)
1. Your sweet little birthday was perfect. We set up a few tables and chairs in Grammy and Grampy's garage. Wildflowers, Easter eggs, rubber duckies, and balloons filled the room. Grampy made hamburgers and hotdogs. Grammy made coleslaw and sweet tea. And me and you and Daddy just smiled and smiled and loved everything and everybody.
2. Easter morning started off with a beautiful cantata at church. Daddy was in the choir and he wore black pants and a white shirt ... it was like his chorus uniform. You wore the sweetest little outfit that Aunt Donna gave you for your birthday. Mommy wore her BBQ wedding dress for the first time in a year and a half. Afterwards, we all went to Nana and Papa's for a tremendous lunch. It was fantastic! I especially liked the lima beans, believe it or not. When lunch was finished, we sat on the porch and talked about the weather and other things of interest.
3. On Monday, you had your year appointment. You are in the 45th percentile for weight at 22 pounds(up from the 25th percentile!). You are 29 and a half inches long -- this puts you in the 40th percentile for height (down from the 75th). Your head circumference is right at average ... smack dab at 50%! You have met your milestones and you are a healthy, happy little boy. Healthy and happy ... something I've prayed for lots of times for you. What a blessing and an answer to prayer.
4. Me and Daddy and Grampy have been working on a gate for our back porch. We love our animals, but the porch in a no-animal zone. Hopefully, it will be complete by tomorrow. It looks great! Your grampy, he knows how to make everything! Honestly, I think he should have his own home-improvement TV show ... "At Home with Richard," or something like that.
5. Daddy and I have been working on our garden. The raised beds are complete. The fence is assembled and just has to be made permanent with concrete posts. Today, we lined the ground with cardboard and mulched all around each bed. (As I write this, I smell like mulch). We bought white cucumber seeds, green bean seeds, okra seeds, yellow crook-necked squash seeds, and baby tomato plants. Tomorrow we are going to get strawberry plants and topsoil. Yes sir, by noon tomorrow we should have an almost complete garden! A beautiful bench made by Grampy will make it 100% finished.
6. Tomorrow, we hope to move Daddy's old turkey barn onto our property. It will be Heidi's new home! We are going to paint it blue like our house or barn red. Then we are going to "cuten" it up with little wooden decorations made by Grammy and Pat. We also want to add a fenced lot to it. Hopefully, the barn can be completed by Friday. Maybe. We'll see.
7. Me and you are in the process of weaning. I nursed you for one whole year! Yay! And now, it's time for you to drink whole milk. You're a toddler, can you believe it?! Bitter sweet times... Honestly, you are being a trooper about the everything. I'm doing okay, too. I have such fond memories and I am looking forward to new adventures. I will be forever grateful to our hospital's lactation consultants for providing us with the support we needed to accomplish this goal.
8. Tomorrow I will start organizing the inside of our house. It is in desperate need. Also, lesson plans ... they must be done! I have sub plans to create and neat ideas I'd like to try. Busy, busy, busy bee is me...
Simply put, this week has been full of work and full of fun. How wonderful it has been to spend this time with you, daddy, friends, and family!
Love always,
Hey gal! Glad you're having a wonderful break! We have a huge garden as well this year (all my husband's doing). We should swap various veggies and such when they come in! And we've been spring cleaning as well. It's a nice feeling to have things organized! Congrats on nursing for one whole year! I know how hard you worked at it and it's definitely something to be super proud of!