Dear Sprout,
I have not written you a little love letter in a long, long time. As you know, Mommy has been very busy. The past few months have been wonderful and full of adventure.
One big change is our house organization! You had been sleeping with Mommy and Daddy your whole life -- I could not bear to have you upstairs while we slept downstairs. Well, problem solved! At the end of the summer, we moved our bedroom upstairs and now Daddy's music room is downstairs. Your room is literally less that three feet from ours ... you sleep, we sleep, it's fantastic! Additionally, it's nice to have the "living" upstairs and the "working" downstairs. Everything seems to be running smoother.
As you know, Mommy is now a literacy coach ... and that is something I've wanted to be since college! Literacy is truly my passion and I enjoy being immersed in it every single day. I love my job very much -- but sometimes I get sad when I get home later than I wanted to get home. You and Daddy are so very special to me. I am working on my time management skills ... I promise! And you know what, I think I have come up with a pretty good system! In short, I love my job, I love my family, and I am doing my best to do well in all areas of my life.
Sprout, there are so many times when I look at you and I look at Daddy and I reflect on our lives together. God has blessed us so much. We will never comprehend just how much He loves us. I love watching Him work as the days of our lives unfold. It is my prayer that you will come to know Him at an early age. I wish that I would have marveled at His wonderous works my whole entire life -- and I pray that you will. He is amazing.
I love you, baby. God bless!
Love always,
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