Dear Sprout,
I just wanted to write you a quick note to let you know how proud I am of you. You are growing up to be such a sweet and kind hearted young man. Last week at church, a few ladies told me how they love your continuous smile. That's a characteristic that I love about you, too. Joy just exudes from you.
You are very excited about being a big brother. I don't think you quite understand exactly what is going to happen in the months to come, but you do understand that it has something to do with a baby. Any time you see a baby, you get completely and utterly thrilled. You say "baby" bunches of times in your most happiest of voices. You want to hold babies and hug babies and kiss babies on their foreheads -- just like we do to you. I truly do not anticipate an ounce of jealousy from you. I think your just very excited to love someone else very soon.
I am now on Christmas break and I love being able to spend whole entire days with you. You look at me and smile and say "mama" and you give me billions of hugs around my neck. We are going to have great days together, my son. And just remember, summer is not too far away. Daddy and I love our special family times.
Yesterday we got a baby name book to help us with little Bean. We found out that one of the meanings of your name is "One who is precious." How perfect for you! We adore you, precious one.
Love Always,
PS: Attached is a picture of you from your very first performance! You made an excellent dancing lamb!
Dear Bean,
We went to the doctors yesterday and we got to hear your little heartbeat. It's around 160 -- just like your brother's when he was your age. I like to think that the two of you have quick beats because you are growing big and loving hearts.
We find out if you are a boy or a girl in about 2 weeks. If you are a girl, we are settled on your name. And if you are a boy ... we are not quite sure yet... But I will tell you that we love each and every name that is on our list!
I am not sure if I feel you or not yet. I think I do periodically ... but not regularly yet. You know, that's a special time for a mommy and a baby -- it's our own little communication system! Each little message is very, very special.
We love you and we are so excited that you are a part of our family! God bless, sweet little Bean!
Love always,
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