I am not usually one to write posts this personal in nature, but I have been convicted to do so. Here it is:
Not long ago, a wonderful man named GS was called home to Heaven. GS was a kind and gentle-hearted, yet strong man. He loved his family and he loved his church ... and everyone loved him. GS was the custodian at our church. At his funeral service, Pastor Don reminded us that "custodian" is defined as "care taker." We could not have asked for a better care taker in God's house.
GS's passing hit Andrew and I hard. His death was not expected and we always anticipated seeing him every Sunday. We know that every man will die, but in a way that's always hard to believe and even harder to accept. However, GS's funeral was a beautiful and poignant reminder of the free gift the Jesus Christ wants to offer every single one of us.
Please take a moment to read the information presented in this link: http://evangelismexplosion.org/resources/steps-to-life/
Many people confuse Christianity with "religion." On more than one occasion, I have had people ask me if I was a "religious person." This is not about being this religion or that religion ... rather, it is about one's personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I am a sinner saved by grace ... nothing more, nothing less.
I did not become a Christian until I was an adult. To be completely honest and transparent with you, I remember waking up at night sweating with fear at the thought that I would die one day. The whole concept made me feel hopeless and at times I wondered what the point of life was in the first place. I was never a wild child, per se ... but my outlook on life and my view of the world in general was completely different. I went to church and I studied a lot before I accepted the free gift of salvation. For me, it was the realization that Jesus was present from the beginning of time that helped all of the loose pieces fall into place. The very first chapter in the very first book of the Bible has a scripture that reads, "Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness..." (Genesis 1:26).
Let me make this clear, I still fall short every single day. I still do not understand everything and I still have questions ... but this is expected, I am merely human and not God. I am sure that I will learn lots and lots when I am in Heaven one day.
Please know that I am sharing this information out of my love for you. I wish that I would have known this Truth since childhood ... I would have lived my young life a lot differently. And as a mother, my single most important desire that I have for my children is that they come to know Christ at an early age and that they walk with Him for a lifetime. I apologize for not sharing my faith with you sooner.
As a closing to this special blog, please keep GS's family in your prayers. We rejoice in knowing that GS is in heaven... but he is missed nonetheless. GS reminded me (and many others) just how important a saving faith is.
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