Dear Sprout,
You are a very sweet and a rather observant little man. Two of your very favorite things are music (just like your dad) and books (just like me). Yesterday at church you did something too sweet not to mention. Sprout, you love praise and worship time -- you stand up and in all seriousness, you wave your arms like an acclaimed orchestra conductor. Last night, you took your love of music to the next level. After praise and worship concluded, you reached for a hymnal on the back of the pew in front of you and Daddy handed it to you. You opened it on your lap and started singing with your softest, sweetest voice, "Lalalalala." At home, we gave you a "retired" hymnal and you opened its pages and sang in that same sweet voice. You have a sizable collection of books, but that music book is now very special to you. Daddy and I are amazed that you can already tell the difference between a page filled with music and a page filled with the written word. You are still a tiny little man, but you always manage to fill us with enormous awe.
Love always,
Dear Bean,
I am now 21 weeks pregnant with you. We recently found out that you are a baby girl! Somehow, we knew that's just what you would be. It is such an amazing experience to watch you during an ultrasound. You look a lot like your brother did at this age, except you are much longer. In fact, at this past doctor's visit, you were holding your little head with your feet while wiggling your toes (see picture above). It looks like you have quite a personality already! It has been so much fun anticipating your arrival and dreaming about you. This past weekend, Nana Twyla and Hannah bought you some of the most precious clothes -- what a joy it was to admire little dresses and imagine the precious little girl who would wear them one day. When I hold your big brother, you feel his warmth and your squirm around just for us. Sprout will look at my tummy, and say "Baby!" with the biggest grin that a boy could ever have. We all love you and you'll have plenty of hugs and kisses waiting for you when your arrive. Thank you for bring so much joy to our family already.
Love always,
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