Yesterday evening, I took Sprout on a little walk. It was a nice and quiet little time that we shared (with the exception of a Golden Retriever who kept running to the edge of his invisible fence while barking like at us like we were thieves in the night). Anyway, I got to thinking about two things that I am grateful for…
1. I am grateful for my stroller! It has a fantastic story behind it … and here it is! July third was my birthday. I received $50.00 and I knew exactly what I would do with that money. I was going to buy Sprout a stroller! A nice, lightweight stroller. That morning Andrew and I dropped Sprout off at his grandparents’ house and we went straight to Babies-R-Us. As we got to the stroller section, I noticed that there were two models that were 75% off – one was for twins and the other was a red Peg Perego. As Andrew and I were looking at the snazzy, red stroller, we noticed that a sticker was telling us to take an additional 25% off the lowest ticketed price. SOLD! We went up to the cashier and gave her a 20% off coupon and the $50.00. Finally, we paid the remaining $27.00 with our debit card. Yes! We got a $200.00 stroller for $27.00! Don’t you love when stuff like that happens?!
One great thing about my stroller is the fact that it is so light weight – less than nine pounds, to be exact. Because of this, I discovered that I can stroll my baby with one hand and walk beside him instead of in back of him. Most of the time, I stroll my little guy like a normal human being. However, sometimes I just want to look at him and talk to him. Dorky, maybe, but I can’t help it! :-)
2. I never imagined that I would say this, but I am grateful that mosquitoes love me. I am not over exaggerating when I say that I can have 20 bites in about 5 minutes! Whenever I am outside with a group of people during a sticky summer day, everyone else is safe because all of the bugs are attracted to me. Honestly, Andrew and I can be outside for hours – I, of course, will be bitten up and my husband will be bite free. This got me to thinking… Insect repellent is not very safe for babies because their skin is super absorbent. No bug spray for Sprout – no problem! We can go on nice long walks and I don’t have to worry about mosquitoes biting my baby. Yes folks, this mommy is a nontoxic bug protector! I bet you didn’t know that I was so talented! Heheehe!