I got and Ergo! I got an Ergo! Ergo! Ergo! Ergo!
I have wanted to get one of these babies for a long, long time. Apparently, they are among the very best baby-wearing devices! And that, my friends, is important to me. With Sprout now weighing 20+ pounds, I am finding it hard to carry him for very long. This makes me sad. I would rather hold him then have him in a stroller. Silly, I know ... but I miss so much time with him while I am at work that when I am with him, I want to be very close to him. He and I are best buds.
You may notice that my Ergo is pink. You see, I got it at babysteals.com for 45% off! This site gives 2 great deals a day (9:00 am and 9:00 pm). And today, Ergos were one sale! Granted, I had to get the heart rose pattern ... but Sprout won't mind. He's itty-bitty and won't even know the difference.
So, that's it! I just wanted to share my exciting news! I love when things just work out like that sometimes...
Photo credit: This photo of my new Ergo was taken off of babysteals.com
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