Dear Sprout,
Your due date has come and gone, and you are still residing in mommy's tummy. Your measurements are great and you have a strong heartbeat -- you're doing just fine, kid. However, you do not seem to have any plans to make your debut any time soon. I guess you like being snug as a bug, curled up in a little ball inside of me. You are content and you probably think that life couldn't get any better ... but I promise you, it does.
There are so many wonderful things that are awaiting you. Do you know that you have dogs, cats, and chickens!? You have the coolest little room I have ever seen. It looks like a wilderness with a cozy little log cabin! You even have your very own miniature powder horn. All of these things are ready and waiting for you.
Your daddy and I are going to do so many things with you. We are going to take you camping and you will see millions of fireflies lighting up at the same time. Your granddaddy is going to teach you how to play the fiddle so you can be the youngest member of the Possum Holler band. You will even learn how to swim like a little fish! You will receive dozens of hugs and kisses everyday; you'll also get secret hugs and kisses when you are fast asleep. I already have a special spot that I picked out on your forehead just for that!
We will go to the hospital to have you in less than a week. You will not be the only one experiencing something novel -- Daddy and Mommy have never done anything like this before either. We will all probably be a little scared. However, that very day will turn into one of the best days of our lives. We will be a family -- Sprout, out of all the wonderful things I have listed, this will be the most special. You will see your mommy and daddy and we will see you, our little son.
You will find that life changes fast. Sometimes change will be welcome and sometimes it can even be a bit scary. Daddy and Mommy will be here for you and God will be listening for your prayers. We all need to have the faith to step out and do what is necessary and what is right. Take comfort in knowing that you will never be alone. Your life in the outside world will be very different -- but we will be there waiting to immediately embrace you. As a family, we will take this new step in life together.
Love always,
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