World Breastfeeding Week was August 1st - 7th. In honor of this week, and as suggested by my husband, I am going to share some of my thoughts on nursing.
- As you probably know, breastfeeding had a rocky start for me and for Sprout. When my little guy was an itty-bitty guy, he probably got just as much formula as he did breast milk. We had latching problems, supply issues, and a lack of confidence. However, fortunately for us, the hospital that we delivered at has lactation consultants. I did not know if our case could be helped or not, but I made an appointment because I really wanted to nurse my baby.
- When Sprout was a little over 2 weeks of age, we had our first appointment. Carla was the lactation consultant who helped us. She weighed Sprout before he nursed, helped both of us learn what we were doing, and weighed him afterwards. Next, she helped us learn how to pump. She spent time encouraging us, teaching us, and letting us know that yes, we could do this. Lastly, she scheduled us for another appointment. I came ready to pay for the services that I received. I could not believe that they were free! What an amazing service to me and to our community.
- We have amazing friends who gave us a pump and vitamins and so much more! Can you believe it?!
- Fortunately, I was able to increase my milk supply. At the same time, Sprout needed less and less formula. My child went from fighting nursing sessions to wanting to do nothing else. Yes, my little guy decided that he would like to nurse ... constantly. Although I enjoyed our time together, I felt like I could get nothing done. I was a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of constant nursing for months to come and I started to doubt my ability to continue. And then, one day, my baby decided that he would put himself on a schedule ... just like that! All of the sudden, we would nurse and then we would do other things for a couple of hours. And Sprout was happy and I was ecstatic and Andrew was amazed at how easy everything had become.
- This brings me to the next point ... the support group. The lactation consultants at the hospital offer a free monthly breastfeeding support group. Here, they weigh your baby before and after feedings. I always have a million questions that I can ask. There are other mothers that have had similar obstacles and they have been amazing source of help and encouragement as well. Lastly, the support group has helped me make and keep monthly goals. During tougher times, I just told myself "You can do this until the next meeting. You can. You can. You can." And, so far, I have. I have. I have.
- Now, here we are, and things have become second nature to us. I am so thankful to the professionals, friends, and family members that have helped us. Our current plan is to continue to breastfeed as long as mommy and baby are happy to do so. :)