Our community offers wonderful (and free) baby classes that I love to attend. Today Sprout and I went to infant massage. Unfortunately Sprout has never enjoyed all of the benefits of a massage because he would rather eat. However, I can assure you that he is supremely happy to attend. Having a full belly and watching other babies are two of my young man's favorite things. Maybe one day soon he will add a massage to this repertoire. Anyway, I think it's great ...
Today most of us went out to eat when our class was over. How fun! We had a long table full of mommies and babies. Some people may quip and say that they would feel bad for the other customers. However, I think that most of those around us rather enjoyed our little bald headed rolly-pollies. Somehow, no matter what your day has been like, seeing a baby can add just enough sunshine to put a smirk on your face. I bet after sharing a restaurant with eight babies, our neighboring diners were beaming! :-)
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