Dear Sprout,
Guess what today was! Today was the day that you were invited to a birthday party! Yes, that's right ... you were given an invitation to attend a third birthday party. It was a princess party and you were to dress in your finest attire. Luckily, you were given some clothing items that one of your buddies outgrew. And, among the shirts and pants there was a suit of armor just your size! We made you a crown to top your outfit off (a construction paper crown, but a crown nonetheless). Yep, you went to your first party as a knight in shining armor.
The party was simply adorable. Little princesses and princes were bouncing with happiness. There was pizza, chips and dip, fruits, chocolate, cupcakes, and ice cream. The tables were decorated beautifully with glass slippers, name cards, flowers, and crowns. It was a beautiful party for an even more beautiful little girl. As I held you on my lap and watched the other kids, I could not help but think how my little boy was growing up. You have teeth, you eat food, you stand up, and now you are being invited places. You were as wide-eyed as ever, taking everything in ... and so was I.
As the presents were being opened and desserts were being finished, the clock struck 12:00. Suddenly, you hugged me close and your bottom lip started to quiver. I could feel you bury your face into my neck. You were no longer a knight in shining armor -- you were just a baby who wanted his mama. And you know what, there is something magical about that.
So, my little Sprout, know that I love seeing you grow. I will always remember the extra special birthday that we attended today and the fun that we had. It was like Daddy and I were given a little glimpse of what it will be like to be the parents of a kid. However, know that you will always and forever be mama's little baby. And just like right now, my lap will always be available for you rest upon.
Love always,
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