Dear Sprout,
Today there was sunshine. We have had a very beautiful ... but very cold winter. You love going on walks outside, but we can't take you out for long periods when it is literally freezing. And just when we thought that we would not see a warm and balmy day until March, the thermometer hit 61 degrees! We knew that today had to be spent outside.
Not too far from our little blue cottage, there is a park. It is our very favorite local green area because it's near a neat looking dam and it trails beside a rocky waterway. Though we love our city parks, this one has more of a rural, authentic hiking-in-the-mountains feel. Its paths are not conducive to strollers, so we carried you in a borrowed backpack that has seen three generations of babies.
Do you know what one of the neatest parts of being a parent is? Just looking at and watching your baby. Really! Mommy and Daddy just get the biggest thrill out of watching you discover the world. During the whole hike, you were bouncing and squealing and laughing and looking at everything. You loved the branches, the leaves, the river, and the dogs that passed us on the way. We have never heard you laugh like you laughed today. Seeing your happiness gives us such joy.
As the sun started to set, we made our way back to the car. You fell asleep before we even got to Grammy and Grampy's house. Mommy and Daddy watched you through the rear view mirror. We smiled and held hands and talked about how much we loved being parents. Our day was simple, but splendid. Isn't it wonderful how you can be blessed with a ray of sunshine just when you need it?
Love always,
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