Sprouting a Family
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Notes to our children
Dear Sprout,
I just wanted to write you a quick note to let you know how proud I am of you. You are growing up to be such a sweet and kind hearted young man. Last week at church, a few ladies told me how they love your continuous smile. That's a characteristic that I love about you, too. Joy just exudes from you.
You are very excited about being a big brother. I don't think you quite understand exactly what is going to happen in the months to come, but you do understand that it has something to do with a baby. Any time you see a baby, you get completely and utterly thrilled. You say "baby" bunches of times in your most happiest of voices. You want to hold babies and hug babies and kiss babies on their foreheads -- just like we do to you. I truly do not anticipate an ounce of jealousy from you. I think your just very excited to love someone else very soon.
I am now on Christmas break and I love being able to spend whole entire days with you. You look at me and smile and say "mama" and you give me billions of hugs around my neck. We are going to have great days together, my son. And just remember, summer is not too far away. Daddy and I love our special family times.
Yesterday we got a baby name book to help us with little Bean. We found out that one of the meanings of your name is "One who is precious." How perfect for you! We adore you, precious one.
Love Always,
PS: Attached is a picture of you from your very first performance! You made an excellent dancing lamb!
Dear Bean,
We went to the doctors yesterday and we got to hear your little heartbeat. It's around 160 -- just like your brother's when he was your age. I like to think that the two of you have quick beats because you are growing big and loving hearts.
We find out if you are a boy or a girl in about 2 weeks. If you are a girl, we are settled on your name. And if you are a boy ... we are not quite sure yet... But I will tell you that we love each and every name that is on our list!
I am not sure if I feel you or not yet. I think I do periodically ... but not regularly yet. You know, that's a special time for a mommy and a baby -- it's our own little communication system! Each little message is very, very special.
We love you and we are so excited that you are a part of our family! God bless, sweet little Bean!
Love always,
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Photo Card
Christmas Frame Christmas
Create personalized Christmas card designs at Shutterfly.com.
View the entire collection of cards.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Our Babies
Thansgiving in my Heart
Dear God,
Thank You for everything. Thank You for Your plans. Thank You for Your will. Thank You for all that is good and for all that is just. Thank You for being all knowing and ever present.
Jesus, I thank You for this little family of mine. I thank You for a godly husband that I admire and look up to. I thank You for my little boy, my little sunshine ... and I thank you for this new baby on the way. I thank You for letting me be a wife and mother -- I will do my best to never take these blessings for granted.
Happy Thanksgiving, world! And Happy Thanksgiving to You, Creator of the world.
I will love you forever.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Our Day
Dear Sprout,
This weekend, Daddy went camping with some friends. You and I have spent some extra special time with Grammy and Grampy. And yesterday, we got to have a mommy and son play day!
Our day started as wonderfully as any day could start. Thanks to Grampy, we had a chocolate chip pancake breakfast! Afterwards, we listened to Jewel and drove to the mall where we shared an M & M sugar cookie. We tried to find you a chic holiday tie at The Children's Place ... but they were out.
One of the best parts of our day was our visit to Target. We had a great time there, except for one minor detail. You decided to chew the buckle on the shopping cart and that was not good for my nerves because I am neurotic to begin with. The most wonderful part was shopping for our Sunday school class's Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. You and I decided that we would get baby necessities. Therefore, we picked up lots of Vaseline, baby powder, and baby wipes. Working on shoe boxes with you is very special to me and to your daddy. When I was pregnant with you, Daddy and I made several boxes to send out. We day dreamed about being able pack boxes with you and your siblings in the future. Next year, you will get to help Bean pack his or her shoe box! Soon you too will understand what a special thing that is.
Side note: We recently tried a new brand of diapers that you were allergic to and you got a rash; it breaks my heart to know that there are lots of families in our world that are not as fortunate as we ... many mommies and daddies don't have anything to help their little ones when they get a rash or when they are sick. Anyways, it was your recent rash that made us think about getting such items for our shoe boxes.
On the way home, we picked up two hamburger Happy Meals -- one for me and one for you. You and I love those things! You ate your whole hamburger, drank your whole milk, and played with your toy in the bathtub.
Our last adventure was Walmart. And it was an adventure indeed. You see, Walmart is a sight to behold during the holidays! There are people everywhere! When we entered, you were given a little Walmart sticker and then we slowly made it through the maze of shoppers. We bought ingredients for our pre-Thanksgiving dinner. This choice was inspired by the fact that your Grammy and Grampy never have had green bean casserole! Can you believe it?!
Once we got back to Grammy and Grampy's, Grammy and I started working on dinner. And you and Grampy had a time. When everything was prepared, we had oven fried turkey cutlets, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries, and pumpkin pie. That is my kind of dinner! And guess what ... Grammy and Grampy loved the casserole!
At bedtime, you and I snuggled under the warm covers. I sang Amazing Grace to you -- that's your favorite going-to-sleep song. It always has been ... and I think it always will be. Before I knew it, you were fast asleep. That being said, I still held you for a little while before you were placed in your own bed. Sometimes mommies and babies just need some extra snuggling time.
And so my baby Sprout, that was our day. Me and you ... you and me ... Eating cookies, getting shoebox goodies, making a feast, and singing ourselves to sleep. Lots of people have told me and Andrew that these busy days will be among the best days of our lives. And do you know what? We believe those wise people one-hundred percent.
Love always,
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Dear Bean
Dear Bean,
Today we got to see you for the very first time. You are beautiful already. You are tiny -- 5.4 cm to be exact -- but you already look like a teeny tiny person. Your heartrate is 156 beats per minute. You are due June 5th -- so in about 32 weeks (give or take), we will be holding you in our arms.
You have the best big brother in the world. He is sweet and funny and he can make any animal noise there is. You two are going to share the neatest little room ever. It's a nursery that looks like a forest with a little log cabin nook. Sprout will love you and protect you and he will be your best friend forever.
Our family has been praying for you everyday -- multiple times per day. We can't wait to show you the world and to introduce you to a million other people that love you, too. We will read you stories and sing you songs. We will hike in the mountains and make sandcastles at the beach. We will take you to church, help you with your school work, and cheer for you at every game and play that you are in.
We love you, Bean. And we are so very excited to have you in our lives.
God bless! Here's to enjoying the next several months together and looking forward to that day when we'll finally be able to kiss that little face of yours.
Love always,
Mommy and Daddy
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sorry it's been so long
Dear Sprout,
I have not written you a little love letter in a long, long time. As you know, Mommy has been very busy. The past few months have been wonderful and full of adventure.
One big change is our house organization! You had been sleeping with Mommy and Daddy your whole life -- I could not bear to have you upstairs while we slept downstairs. Well, problem solved! At the end of the summer, we moved our bedroom upstairs and now Daddy's music room is downstairs. Your room is literally less that three feet from ours ... you sleep, we sleep, it's fantastic! Additionally, it's nice to have the "living" upstairs and the "working" downstairs. Everything seems to be running smoother.
As you know, Mommy is now a literacy coach ... and that is something I've wanted to be since college! Literacy is truly my passion and I enjoy being immersed in it every single day. I love my job very much -- but sometimes I get sad when I get home later than I wanted to get home. You and Daddy are so very special to me. I am working on my time management skills ... I promise! And you know what, I think I have come up with a pretty good system! In short, I love my job, I love my family, and I am doing my best to do well in all areas of my life.
Sprout, there are so many times when I look at you and I look at Daddy and I reflect on our lives together. God has blessed us so much. We will never comprehend just how much He loves us. I love watching Him work as the days of our lives unfold. It is my prayer that you will come to know Him at an early age. I wish that I would have marveled at His wonderous works my whole entire life -- and I pray that you will. He is amazing.
I love you, baby. God bless!
Love always,
Saturday, July 9, 2011
My husband can recall an exact year in which an important moment occurred by remembering the shoes that he was wearing at the time of its happening. He walks through life with a trusted pair of sneakers on his feet. And though I admittedly own more shoes than he, I guess we're still kind of similar when it comes to footwear. I find myself coming back to my old favorites again and again. My Keds have hiked in the mountains and waded in oceans. They accompanied me to my wedding rehearsal and they walked me through the hospital doors when little Sprout was about to be born. They were my favorites for many reasons.
Yesterday was the day that Andrew and I finally had to go out and buy new shoes. We traveled many great paths with their predecesors. And while we look back fondly upon jouneys past, we anticipate the new adventures awaiting us with this year's shoes now on our feet.
Yesterday was the day that Andrew and I finally had to go out and buy new shoes. We traveled many great paths with their predecesors. And while we look back fondly upon jouneys past, we anticipate the new adventures awaiting us with this year's shoes now on our feet.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Mr. Giraffe
Today we took the baby to Buffalo Beals Animal Park. We purchased a bag of carrots for $1.00 and off we went. We saw monkeys, goats, zebras, ostriches, buffalo, and much more. However, the guy that stole our hearts and 99.9% of our carrots was a tall fellow that we affectionately call "Mr. Giraffe." Sprout adored him and laughed hysterically each time Mr. Giraffe's long, purple tongue gently curled around a carrot. It was a hot day and we just about had the park to ourselves, but we were grateful for the one-on-one time that the circumstances allowed us to have with our new friend.
It was nice meeting you, Mr. Giraffe! You are welcome to come visit our house any time!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Together At Last
It has been over a month since my last post. The last few weeks of school were the busiest of my life. Ever. Since then, I have been working on a little to-do check list ... sometimes, I think I may be a tad too ambitious for my own good. In between checking off items, I have been spending some much needed uninterrupted time with my family. And today, that is what I am going to write about.
For the past few weeks, we having been doing a lot of camping around here. Our first stop was Black Mountain. Grammy and Grampy took the "Coyote Camper" to a state park and we met them there. And guess what! We drove up there and surprised them with our brand new mini van! (Okay, it's a 2006 ... but it is new to us and we love it! More about our new addition in another post). We saw beautiful waterfalls, smooth river rocks, and we played in pristine creeks. We had no phone reception and no power outlets for my laptop -- both circumstances were very good for busybody me.
A few days after we returned from Black Mountain, Andrew and I celebrated our second anniversary. Staying within our budget, we decided to go tent camping at Price Park. We found a beautiful site right on the lake. Twisted rhododendrons surrounded us with their broad leaves and thick flower clusters. We cooked dinner over an open fire and drank sparkling cider. Together, we took in the beauty of the setting sun and reflected on the blessings bestowed upon us during the past two years. It was the most perfect anniversary that I could have ever asked for.
Shortly after our anniversary celebration, the whole family went camping at Price Park. Several of our close friends camped along with us. This time, we celebrated good times, our children, my birthday, and Old Time music. We canoed, explored, played, and just plain enjoyed togetherness. Andrew, Sprout, and I went on a fantastic hike along with our two dogs. The trail was simply enchanting. At the end of each day, Andrew and I retired to our tent and watched the a light show presented by the fireflies. Meanwhile, grasshoppers and bullfrogs serenaded us with their music.
In short, if you are out and about, look for a green tent. You might see it parked at a beach, on a mountain top, or surrounded by wild ponies. Wherever you find it, know that its family is going on adventures, taking in the glory of each day, and loving each moment of being side-by-side, hand-in-hand.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Our Favorite Place
Grampy built Sprout a sandbox. It has a simple square frame with corner seats. However, our little man would much rather sit in the sand itself and play ... and play ... and play. He has flowerpots to build castles with, spoons to scoop with, and trucks to demolish with. Our boy has discovered that sand is a great medium for creating -- but it is equally wonderful for the squishy feeling that it produces when squeezed by itty-bitty fingers and toes. Usually, Sprout is on the go, exploring one place and then the next. Not so with the sandbox! He could play in that thing all day long!
Despite the great fun that dirt can be for a toddler, there comes a time when little boys must be cleaned. That's where Grammies come in. After Sprout has had sufficient time to get himself adequately dirty, Grammy delights him with a good old-fashioned bath in a tin-tub. In the summer heat, that's the best kind of bath that a boy can have! Sprout loves splishing and splashing while Grammy uses a watering can to get that last bit of sand out of his hair. Luckily for Sprout, getting clean is just as exciting as getting dirty.
And there you have it, folks. Just a glimpse of a typical day at Grammy and Grampy's. They abide in a little haven where everything is pure and simple ... and all is right in the world.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Dear Sprout,
This week has flown by. We did, however, get a lot accomplished at our house. We now have a planted garden and a little red barn. Me and Daddy and Grammy and Grampy and you -- we are a team and together we accomplish bunches!
I am so grateful for this time ... but I want more ... is that greedy? I want more time to hold you and to walk you in your stroller. I want more time to sing to you and more time to explore the world with you. I want to see more of your smiles and hear more of your laughs.
I have loved doing extra mommy / baby stuff with you. However, it has made me acutely aware of how much I still have to learn as a mother. I so want to be the best mom possible for you ... and I hope that I am being the mother I am supposed to be. I really, really do.
I love you, Sprout. Thank you for being such a patient baby for your first-time, fairly new, mom.
Love always ... and forever ... and ever,
This week has flown by. We did, however, get a lot accomplished at our house. We now have a planted garden and a little red barn. Me and Daddy and Grammy and Grampy and you -- we are a team and together we accomplish bunches!
I am so grateful for this time ... but I want more ... is that greedy? I want more time to hold you and to walk you in your stroller. I want more time to sing to you and more time to explore the world with you. I want to see more of your smiles and hear more of your laughs.
I have loved doing extra mommy / baby stuff with you. However, it has made me acutely aware of how much I still have to learn as a mother. I so want to be the best mom possible for you ... and I hope that I am being the mother I am supposed to be. I really, really do.
I love you, Sprout. Thank you for being such a patient baby for your first-time, fairly new, mom.
Love always ... and forever ... and ever,
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Busy Wonderful Week
Dear Sprout,
Today is Wednesday and my week off is half way through. It's been a busy and wonderful couple of days. We celebrated your birthday and Easter over the weekend. And, thus far, our week has consisted of home improvement projects. Hopefully, I will create a lot of separate posts that further explain all of these many many many things. For now, a quick list will have to suffice. :-)
1. Your sweet little birthday was perfect. We set up a few tables and chairs in Grammy and Grampy's garage. Wildflowers, Easter eggs, rubber duckies, and balloons filled the room. Grampy made hamburgers and hotdogs. Grammy made coleslaw and sweet tea. And me and you and Daddy just smiled and smiled and loved everything and everybody.
2. Easter morning started off with a beautiful cantata at church. Daddy was in the choir and he wore black pants and a white shirt ... it was like his chorus uniform. You wore the sweetest little outfit that Aunt Donna gave you for your birthday. Mommy wore her BBQ wedding dress for the first time in a year and a half. Afterwards, we all went to Nana and Papa's for a tremendous lunch. It was fantastic! I especially liked the lima beans, believe it or not. When lunch was finished, we sat on the porch and talked about the weather and other things of interest.
3. On Monday, you had your year appointment. You are in the 45th percentile for weight at 22 pounds(up from the 25th percentile!). You are 29 and a half inches long -- this puts you in the 40th percentile for height (down from the 75th). Your head circumference is right at average ... smack dab at 50%! You have met your milestones and you are a healthy, happy little boy. Healthy and happy ... something I've prayed for lots of times for you. What a blessing and an answer to prayer.
4. Me and Daddy and Grampy have been working on a gate for our back porch. We love our animals, but the porch in a no-animal zone. Hopefully, it will be complete by tomorrow. It looks great! Your grampy, he knows how to make everything! Honestly, I think he should have his own home-improvement TV show ... "At Home with Richard," or something like that.
5. Daddy and I have been working on our garden. The raised beds are complete. The fence is assembled and just has to be made permanent with concrete posts. Today, we lined the ground with cardboard and mulched all around each bed. (As I write this, I smell like mulch). We bought white cucumber seeds, green bean seeds, okra seeds, yellow crook-necked squash seeds, and baby tomato plants. Tomorrow we are going to get strawberry plants and topsoil. Yes sir, by noon tomorrow we should have an almost complete garden! A beautiful bench made by Grampy will make it 100% finished.
6. Tomorrow, we hope to move Daddy's old turkey barn onto our property. It will be Heidi's new home! We are going to paint it blue like our house or barn red. Then we are going to "cuten" it up with little wooden decorations made by Grammy and Pat. We also want to add a fenced lot to it. Hopefully, the barn can be completed by Friday. Maybe. We'll see.
7. Me and you are in the process of weaning. I nursed you for one whole year! Yay! And now, it's time for you to drink whole milk. You're a toddler, can you believe it?! Bitter sweet times... Honestly, you are being a trooper about the everything. I'm doing okay, too. I have such fond memories and I am looking forward to new adventures. I will be forever grateful to our hospital's lactation consultants for providing us with the support we needed to accomplish this goal.
8. Tomorrow I will start organizing the inside of our house. It is in desperate need. Also, lesson plans ... they must be done! I have sub plans to create and neat ideas I'd like to try. Busy, busy, busy bee is me...
Simply put, this week has been full of work and full of fun. How wonderful it has been to spend this time with you, daddy, friends, and family!
Love always,
Today is Wednesday and my week off is half way through. It's been a busy and wonderful couple of days. We celebrated your birthday and Easter over the weekend. And, thus far, our week has consisted of home improvement projects. Hopefully, I will create a lot of separate posts that further explain all of these many many many things. For now, a quick list will have to suffice. :-)
1. Your sweet little birthday was perfect. We set up a few tables and chairs in Grammy and Grampy's garage. Wildflowers, Easter eggs, rubber duckies, and balloons filled the room. Grampy made hamburgers and hotdogs. Grammy made coleslaw and sweet tea. And me and you and Daddy just smiled and smiled and loved everything and everybody.
2. Easter morning started off with a beautiful cantata at church. Daddy was in the choir and he wore black pants and a white shirt ... it was like his chorus uniform. You wore the sweetest little outfit that Aunt Donna gave you for your birthday. Mommy wore her BBQ wedding dress for the first time in a year and a half. Afterwards, we all went to Nana and Papa's for a tremendous lunch. It was fantastic! I especially liked the lima beans, believe it or not. When lunch was finished, we sat on the porch and talked about the weather and other things of interest.
3. On Monday, you had your year appointment. You are in the 45th percentile for weight at 22 pounds(up from the 25th percentile!). You are 29 and a half inches long -- this puts you in the 40th percentile for height (down from the 75th). Your head circumference is right at average ... smack dab at 50%! You have met your milestones and you are a healthy, happy little boy. Healthy and happy ... something I've prayed for lots of times for you. What a blessing and an answer to prayer.
4. Me and Daddy and Grampy have been working on a gate for our back porch. We love our animals, but the porch in a no-animal zone. Hopefully, it will be complete by tomorrow. It looks great! Your grampy, he knows how to make everything! Honestly, I think he should have his own home-improvement TV show ... "At Home with Richard," or something like that.
5. Daddy and I have been working on our garden. The raised beds are complete. The fence is assembled and just has to be made permanent with concrete posts. Today, we lined the ground with cardboard and mulched all around each bed. (As I write this, I smell like mulch). We bought white cucumber seeds, green bean seeds, okra seeds, yellow crook-necked squash seeds, and baby tomato plants. Tomorrow we are going to get strawberry plants and topsoil. Yes sir, by noon tomorrow we should have an almost complete garden! A beautiful bench made by Grampy will make it 100% finished.
6. Tomorrow, we hope to move Daddy's old turkey barn onto our property. It will be Heidi's new home! We are going to paint it blue like our house or barn red. Then we are going to "cuten" it up with little wooden decorations made by Grammy and Pat. We also want to add a fenced lot to it. Hopefully, the barn can be completed by Friday. Maybe. We'll see.
7. Me and you are in the process of weaning. I nursed you for one whole year! Yay! And now, it's time for you to drink whole milk. You're a toddler, can you believe it?! Bitter sweet times... Honestly, you are being a trooper about the everything. I'm doing okay, too. I have such fond memories and I am looking forward to new adventures. I will be forever grateful to our hospital's lactation consultants for providing us with the support we needed to accomplish this goal.
8. Tomorrow I will start organizing the inside of our house. It is in desperate need. Also, lesson plans ... they must be done! I have sub plans to create and neat ideas I'd like to try. Busy, busy, busy bee is me...
Simply put, this week has been full of work and full of fun. How wonderful it has been to spend this time with you, daddy, friends, and family!
Love always,
Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Dear Sprout,
Originally, I had planned on having a really big first birthday party for you. There are so many people that love you and I wanted to have a thank you celebration of sorts. However, with so many things going on and life getting busier by the day, I came to realize that it would be too hard for me to pull a larger party off. During the summer months, we will have a get together and invite bunches of your friends. And for now, for your birthday, we will keep everything simple and sweet.
On Saturday, we will not be having all of the decorations I originally had envisioned. That being said, there are two little elements that shall remain. You will wear a little felt party hat that I made especially for you and we will have very special party favors. Since you are our little "Sprout," we are going to decorate glass baby food jars with "boyish" ribbon and fill them with wild flower seeds. Your favors will make the world a little bit more beautiful, just like you did when you were born a year ago.
Today as Daddy and I were looking at seeds, I remembered walking through the same garden aisle a year earlier. Together we had picked out flowering seeds and a bird-feeder bells. We placed them in baby blue gift bags and included pre-written thank you notes to give to the doctor and nurses that would tend to us. Sweet memories like this make me smile and get sentimental at the same exact time. This year has been both beautiful and fleeting.
I am so excited about your birthday celebration. What a year of blessings this has been! And though your party will not be grand in scale, it will be busting at the seams with love.
Love always,
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Feel better
Dear Sprout,
Today Mommy stayed home from work to be with you. You have been running very high fevers for two days now. I know that you are in good hands with Daddy, but sometimes a baby needs his mommy (or perhaps it's mommy who just needs to be with her baby). Despite your crazy high fevers, you have managed to keep a smile on your sweet little face. You amaze me. You truly are an inspirational tiny mister.
Tomorrow I am going to venture back to work. Despite everything, I am going to do my very best while I am there. However, make no mistake -- my thoughts, prayers, and heart will be at home with you. And as soon as I am able, I am going to drive right back to our little cottage ... where I can hold you and love you and kiss your little head until it is time for you to go to bed.
Sprout, thank you for making every minute that we spend together wonderful. I love your kisses, your sweet little "mama" voice, and your content smiles. You have brought so much into my life. I love you so.
Feel better, baby boy. Keep smiling away. Tomorrow will pass quickly and before you know it you and I will be back together again.
Love always and forever,
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Don't You Love It When That Happens?!
Recently, Andrew and I were driving in the car and talking about our little boy. We were smiling and smiling as our conversations made us picture our little boy doing all of the outdoor things that he loves to do. And then Andrew said something like, "Do you know what I'd really love to get Budro? I'd like to get him one of those little red cars with the yellow tops. You know, they're kind of like Flinstone cars that kids can move around with their feet." And of course I knew what he was talking about! That classic plastic car that kiddos have enjoyed for decades. Do they still make those things?
Well, the very next day, we found one at a local consignment shop! Don't you love when things like that happen?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Dear Sprout,
It's 10:20 and you just fell asleep. I had so much fun with you today. It is so wonderful to spend an entire day with you. Your smile brings me such joy. I cannot help but smile right along with you each time you give me that toothy little grin. You are so young, but I am so proud of you already. You really have a knack for spreading happiness all around you. Soon after you were born, I started to call you my "little sunshine." What an appropriate nickname that ended up being for you!
Sprout, thank you so much for making so many of us so happy. Thank you for doing something funny at just the right time. Thank you for the sweet hugs you have shared when people have needed a little extra love. Thank you for reminding me to celebrate tiny wonders. You are a delight.
Mama loves you, little man. God bless you, sweet baby boy.
Love always,
It's 10:20 and you just fell asleep. I had so much fun with you today. It is so wonderful to spend an entire day with you. Your smile brings me such joy. I cannot help but smile right along with you each time you give me that toothy little grin. You are so young, but I am so proud of you already. You really have a knack for spreading happiness all around you. Soon after you were born, I started to call you my "little sunshine." What an appropriate nickname that ended up being for you!
Sprout, thank you so much for making so many of us so happy. Thank you for doing something funny at just the right time. Thank you for the sweet hugs you have shared when people have needed a little extra love. Thank you for reminding me to celebrate tiny wonders. You are a delight.
Mama loves you, little man. God bless you, sweet baby boy.
Love always,
Monday, March 7, 2011
Routine Things that I Like...
I like:
1. My red reindeer cup. Whenever I drink out of it, I smile. I guess it's because reindeer are my third favorite animals ... after dogs and dolphins. They're just magical to me.
2. Holding Sprout on my hip. Even though the boy is growing like a weed, he still fits perfectly. And when I hold him like that, I feel very "mommish." And all seems right in the world.
3. Hot herbal tea. The best way to start the day. I think this is because I am always cold (except when I was in labor).
4. Holding my husband's hand. His hand and my hand ... they're like puzzle pieces. And it's not just because I have grown accustomed to holding his hand, it's always been like that -- from our first "hold hands" during the song Silent Night until now and for always.
5. Family meals. I do love family meals. We go over to Grammy and Grampy's and we eat better than anyone on the planet. We laugh, chat, smile, and just love our little Sprout as much as possible.
6. Sunday School. Babies and mommies and Nana Twyla. Sweet times.
1. My red reindeer cup. Whenever I drink out of it, I smile. I guess it's because reindeer are my third favorite animals ... after dogs and dolphins. They're just magical to me.
2. Holding Sprout on my hip. Even though the boy is growing like a weed, he still fits perfectly. And when I hold him like that, I feel very "mommish." And all seems right in the world.
3. Hot herbal tea. The best way to start the day. I think this is because I am always cold (except when I was in labor).
4. Holding my husband's hand. His hand and my hand ... they're like puzzle pieces. And it's not just because I have grown accustomed to holding his hand, it's always been like that -- from our first "hold hands" during the song Silent Night until now and for always.
5. Family meals. I do love family meals. We go over to Grammy and Grampy's and we eat better than anyone on the planet. We laugh, chat, smile, and just love our little Sprout as much as possible.
6. Sunday School. Babies and mommies and Nana Twyla. Sweet times.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Things that I Would Like to (attempt to) Make
Your birthday is coming up very soon! For the past few weeks, I have been looking at Etsy to find some party ideas for you. By looking at things that others have made, I am getting ideas of what I can make. I know that I will not be able to create all of the things that I would like to, but here is a list anyway! Sometimes, it's just fun to imagine, you know?! :-)
1. Felt party hat ... check!
2. Fabric bunting flags
3. Paper pinwheels
4. Fabric Easter eggs
5. Baby food jar party favors (with a fitting surprise inside!)
6. Firefly jars
7. Photo display where guests can have their pictures made
Sprout, you are one lucky little duck. You're actually going to have two parties! One with baby friends at Sammi's house and another one at Grammy and Grampy's! And yes, I know that perhaps I am getting a tad carried away with your party. But you're my first baby, it's your first birthday ... and ... well ... I am just so excited! This will be a special party year, indeed. But remember, the good ole' pizza and ice cream parties that you will have in the future will be just as wonderful.
1. Felt party hat ... check!
2. Fabric bunting flags
3. Paper pinwheels
4. Fabric Easter eggs
5. Baby food jar party favors (with a fitting surprise inside!)
6. Firefly jars
7. Photo display where guests can have their pictures made
Sprout, you are one lucky little duck. You're actually going to have two parties! One with baby friends at Sammi's house and another one at Grammy and Grampy's! And yes, I know that perhaps I am getting a tad carried away with your party. But you're my first baby, it's your first birthday ... and ... well ... I am just so excited! This will be a special party year, indeed. But remember, the good ole' pizza and ice cream parties that you will have in the future will be just as wonderful.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Dear Sprout,
It's Friday. We are finally together, uninterrupted, for a few days. We are going to have a wonderful weekend. We will go to parties, take pictures, see friends, and go to church. We are going to cherish every moment of our family time. Daddy is going to play songs on his guitar and I will sing and you will dance. We will go on little adventures and learn new things. We will love and love and love.
Sometimes, a lot of times, I wish that I could just stay with you. I carried you within my body for over nine months and it just seems that I belong with you still. I do love my job and I do love the beautiful people that I come into contact with each week day, but a part of me longs for you the whole time. How I wish that I could just hold you just a bit more often and kiss your cheeks at least once an hour. You are your dad, you're my heart.
I am going to be better with my time. I feel guilty. After work, I wanted to make you a birthday hat and I did and it is so sweet ... but in retrospect, I should have just held you instead. Now you are asleep. And I feel like I hardly got to share this day with you. I should have just waited to make the hat. I am not trying to be too hard on myself, I just miss you.
So, in closing to this solemn little note, I just want you to know that I am going to be better. I'll figure something out. I'll make a plan. Some how, some way, your little self will be cradled in my arms more often. You and me and dad, we'll be together more. I promise.
Love always,
It's Friday. We are finally together, uninterrupted, for a few days. We are going to have a wonderful weekend. We will go to parties, take pictures, see friends, and go to church. We are going to cherish every moment of our family time. Daddy is going to play songs on his guitar and I will sing and you will dance. We will go on little adventures and learn new things. We will love and love and love.
Sometimes, a lot of times, I wish that I could just stay with you. I carried you within my body for over nine months and it just seems that I belong with you still. I do love my job and I do love the beautiful people that I come into contact with each week day, but a part of me longs for you the whole time. How I wish that I could just hold you just a bit more often and kiss your cheeks at least once an hour. You are your dad, you're my heart.
I am going to be better with my time. I feel guilty. After work, I wanted to make you a birthday hat and I did and it is so sweet ... but in retrospect, I should have just held you instead. Now you are asleep. And I feel like I hardly got to share this day with you. I should have just waited to make the hat. I am not trying to be too hard on myself, I just miss you.
So, in closing to this solemn little note, I just want you to know that I am going to be better. I'll figure something out. I'll make a plan. Some how, some way, your little self will be cradled in my arms more often. You and me and dad, we'll be together more. I promise.
Love always,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Three Things that Make Me Smile
Here are three little things that produced three big smiles this week:
1. Andrew is at puppy class with Rose tonight. It's their first class. Andrew has wanted a bulldog since he was a boy. And now he has one. She is such a great pup ... but what a character! She snores and grunts and rolls over when you try to get her to walk. She hates baths but adores being rubbed down with a towel afterwards. And her favorite part of a toy is the stuffing that's inside. I have laughed and laughed while watching my husband interact with this sweet clown of a dog. I bet they are having a great time. Man, I wish that I could see what they are up to right at this very minute!
2. Rose the bulldog and the baby had a great time in a little red wagon. Andrew and I so wanted to get Sprout a wagon for Christmas ... but all that we could find were plastic ones. Don't get me wrong, plastic wagons have many great qualities; but, Andrew and I are the nostalgic types and we wanted a red metal wagon, like you would see in a storybook. There were none to be found. However, this past weekend Grammy and Grampy found one! Yep! They found a Radio Flyer for just $15.00 at a thrift shop! Granted it's a little rusted and the paint is a little faded ... but to me, that adds so much to the charm! It looks loved. And that is exactly the type of wagon I have always dreamed that my little boy would have.
3. My students ... they make me smile. One little guy wrote me a sweet note and told me that I was a great teacher because I was "rulyabul" (reliable). He's six and I thought he did a fabulous job sounding that word out! Which brings me to my next point. Watching kids learn, well it's one of the coolest things in the world. They get so excited and so proud of themselves. It just gives me goosebumps. When they become readers, it makes me feel like they can do just about anything.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Dear Sprout,
In less than 2 hours, it will be Monday. I miss you and your daddy already. It will be a busy week, indeed ... but I am going to do my very best to spend as much quality time with you as possible. Like Daddy says, "We're just a family that's meant to be together." I have decided that each work week, I am going to list three special things that I will do with you no matter what. So, here are this week's things:
1. We will go on a leisurely walk
2. I will read to you at least three times
3. I will make you homemade baby food and feed it to you
It makes me sad to write this list. These are things that I imagined I would do with you every day. Hopefully, next year will not be quite so busy. You know what, double that list ... I will make each item happen at least twice as much! And baby, just know that you and daddy will always, always, always come first. I promise.
Love always,
In less than 2 hours, it will be Monday. I miss you and your daddy already. It will be a busy week, indeed ... but I am going to do my very best to spend as much quality time with you as possible. Like Daddy says, "We're just a family that's meant to be together." I have decided that each work week, I am going to list three special things that I will do with you no matter what. So, here are this week's things:
1. We will go on a leisurely walk
2. I will read to you at least three times
3. I will make you homemade baby food and feed it to you
It makes me sad to write this list. These are things that I imagined I would do with you every day. Hopefully, next year will not be quite so busy. You know what, double that list ... I will make each item happen at least twice as much! And baby, just know that you and daddy will always, always, always come first. I promise.
Love always,
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thinking and Reflecting
Dear Sprout,
You are sleeping. I am thinking. I've told you many times before that you are the first thing that I ever remember praying for. When I was little, all I wanted to be was a mommy and that's what I asked for during my quiet time. And then I grew up and I got married and I found out I was pregnant about a month later. I was so happy ... and at the same time, I was so scared. I almost could not believe that my prayer had been answered. Just like that. I think that part of me did not feel worthy of such a blessing ... and really, I am not worthy. I am just a person -- a plain, confused, sinning person. However, I have a Father who loves me despite myself. He knows me and understands me and loves me and forgives me and blesses me, even when I don't deserve it. I know that I will never be what I aspire to be. In this world, it's not possible. However, I do want to model my life after Christ's. I want to act like He does and love like He does. I want to listen and trust and obey. I want to be the mother that He has designed me to be. I am still so wonderfully overwhelmed by my answered prayer ... you. How all of my life, every little thing good or bad, miraculously worked together and brought me you. That is something that I will never take lightly.
Love always,
You are sleeping. I am thinking. I've told you many times before that you are the first thing that I ever remember praying for. When I was little, all I wanted to be was a mommy and that's what I asked for during my quiet time. And then I grew up and I got married and I found out I was pregnant about a month later. I was so happy ... and at the same time, I was so scared. I almost could not believe that my prayer had been answered. Just like that. I think that part of me did not feel worthy of such a blessing ... and really, I am not worthy. I am just a person -- a plain, confused, sinning person. However, I have a Father who loves me despite myself. He knows me and understands me and loves me and forgives me and blesses me, even when I don't deserve it. I know that I will never be what I aspire to be. In this world, it's not possible. However, I do want to model my life after Christ's. I want to act like He does and love like He does. I want to listen and trust and obey. I want to be the mother that He has designed me to be. I am still so wonderfully overwhelmed by my answered prayer ... you. How all of my life, every little thing good or bad, miraculously worked together and brought me you. That is something that I will never take lightly.
Love always,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I got and Ergo! I got an Ergo! Ergo! Ergo! Ergo!
I have wanted to get one of these babies for a long, long time. Apparently, they are among the very best baby-wearing devices! And that, my friends, is important to me. With Sprout now weighing 20+ pounds, I am finding it hard to carry him for very long. This makes me sad. I would rather hold him then have him in a stroller. Silly, I know ... but I miss so much time with him while I am at work that when I am with him, I want to be very close to him. He and I are best buds.
You may notice that my Ergo is pink. You see, I got it at babysteals.com for 45% off! This site gives 2 great deals a day (9:00 am and 9:00 pm). And today, Ergos were one sale! Granted, I had to get the heart rose pattern ... but Sprout won't mind. He's itty-bitty and won't even know the difference.
So, that's it! I just wanted to share my exciting news! I love when things just work out like that sometimes...
Photo credit: This photo of my new Ergo was taken off of babysteals.com
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Today we went over to Ruby's house. Ruby is Andrew's grandfather's sister. She is 90 years old, sweet as can be, and reminds me of an angel with her pearly white hair and lashes. We have been meaning to visit her, but we did not get over to her house until today. She was so happy to see us. She laughed and talked with baby Sprout. He just tickled her. And then she looked at us, smiled kindly and softly explained that she wants to see her great-grandson Luke every week so he'll remember her when she's gone. Her words reminded me of my own grandmother's similar sentiments. When we took Sprout up to New Jersey for the first time, Grandma Mollie told me how thankful and grateful she was to meet her little grandson, as she did not know if she'd live to see him. Sometimes I wish that time would stand still. I would visit these ladies over and over and over again.
When I was a child, the time seemed to pass so slowly. It seemed as if I had to wait forever for Christmas to come each year. I remember wanting to be sixteen so badly ... because sixteen was when you were a real teenage, as beautiful as ever, and to top it all off, you could drive. Sixteen seemed like it would never come (almost sixteen years ago). I guess time started to pass at a quicker pace once I graduated from college. Each year passed a little faster than the year before ... but not extremely so. And then I became a mom. Now time flies.
I don't have enough time to do all of the things that I want to do. I want to see my family more. I want to be a better friend. I want to write so many letters that remain unwritten. I want to create individualized lesson plans for every single student in my class and send them flying towards academic success. I want to be a better wife and have the time to make my husband a beautiful dinner every night. I want to hold my baby just a little bit longer. I want time to reflect, time to dream, time to read, ... time to be what I really want to be.
Today, as I was watching Sprout sleep in my arms, I noticed subtle changes in his little face. He is changing. No longer is he just a baby -- he is a hybrid of a baby and a tee tiny man. He's growing up so fast. He's going to be a year old in April! And now, when he sleeps in my lap, half of his body spills over the edges. But I still love holding him just as much as ever. And this afternoon I heard myself say aloud, "Thank You God for right now." Suddenly, every single second of every single day is precious.
When I was a child, the time seemed to pass so slowly. It seemed as if I had to wait forever for Christmas to come each year. I remember wanting to be sixteen so badly ... because sixteen was when you were a real teenage, as beautiful as ever, and to top it all off, you could drive. Sixteen seemed like it would never come (almost sixteen years ago). I guess time started to pass at a quicker pace once I graduated from college. Each year passed a little faster than the year before ... but not extremely so. And then I became a mom. Now time flies.
I don't have enough time to do all of the things that I want to do. I want to see my family more. I want to be a better friend. I want to write so many letters that remain unwritten. I want to create individualized lesson plans for every single student in my class and send them flying towards academic success. I want to be a better wife and have the time to make my husband a beautiful dinner every night. I want to hold my baby just a little bit longer. I want time to reflect, time to dream, time to read, ... time to be what I really want to be.
Today, as I was watching Sprout sleep in my arms, I noticed subtle changes in his little face. He is changing. No longer is he just a baby -- he is a hybrid of a baby and a tee tiny man. He's growing up so fast. He's going to be a year old in April! And now, when he sleeps in my lap, half of his body spills over the edges. But I still love holding him just as much as ever. And this afternoon I heard myself say aloud, "Thank You God for right now." Suddenly, every single second of every single day is precious.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Feeling Better
Dear Sprout,
Mommy got her very first migraine ... or something like one. Never in my life had my head felt like it did! It hurt so badly that I was queasy and my hands were tingling. I got home and I felt so horrible and so weak. You saw me and wanted to stay with Mommy. I couldn't bring my self to remain sitting up. All of the sudden, we fell asleep. You were so sweet and cuddly. Your soft, warm little hands would give my surprise hugs every now and again. My head and limbs still hurt, but my heart could not have felt any better.
Thank you for the best out of my "not feeling well" day.
Love always,
Mommy got her very first migraine ... or something like one. Never in my life had my head felt like it did! It hurt so badly that I was queasy and my hands were tingling. I got home and I felt so horrible and so weak. You saw me and wanted to stay with Mommy. I couldn't bring my self to remain sitting up. All of the sudden, we fell asleep. You were so sweet and cuddly. Your soft, warm little hands would give my surprise hugs every now and again. My head and limbs still hurt, but my heart could not have felt any better.
Thank you for the best out of my "not feeling well" day.
Love always,
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Twelve Hours
I love my job, I really do. Everyday brings lots of smiles, no matter what. However, in less than twelve hours, I start a new week. I know that it will be a wonderful, rewarding week ... but part of me misses my husband and my boy already. Part of me wishes that I could wear the baby in a Bjorn all day and that my husband could sit at my desk and strum educational songs on his guitar. And all of the kids would sing along. We would have family time every day, all day. Long hours of being apart would be a thing of the past. I guess that's the one downfall of our family being the number-one-in-love-in-the-whole-world family ... it's hard to be separated.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Dear Avett Brothers
Dear Avett Brothers,
I want to start this letter off by letting you know that you are one of our favorite bands, ever. We love your music, your lyrics, your instrument choice, and your character. Also, we cannot wait to see you in Charlotte! Look for us! We'll be the ones standing up the whole time and singing along with every song.
Aside from letting you know how much we enjoy listening to your band, we also wanted to know if you would do us a little favor. You see, on April 23, our little boy is turning a year old. He loves you just as much as we do and I know he'd really enjoy seeing you at his birthday party ... and so would his 12 or so yearling friends. I know that this might be different than the usual booking arrangements that you make, but please consider it nonetheless.
We would not be able to pay you a lot -- there are three of us living off of a teacher's salary. However, we can promise you a good time. You can have the second slice of cake. We will also have homemade sweet tea, S'mores, and ice cream. Afterwards, we will take you to get some of the best BBQ around and you can see the local cloggers dance the night away.
We will understand if you cannot make it ... and if you can't, we will be sure to play your CD. Just think about it, okay. We are not too awful far from Concord and we think that you'll love our neck of the woods. We hope to see you soon!
Andrew, Anna, and Sprout
I want to start this letter off by letting you know that you are one of our favorite bands, ever. We love your music, your lyrics, your instrument choice, and your character. Also, we cannot wait to see you in Charlotte! Look for us! We'll be the ones standing up the whole time and singing along with every song.
Aside from letting you know how much we enjoy listening to your band, we also wanted to know if you would do us a little favor. You see, on April 23, our little boy is turning a year old. He loves you just as much as we do and I know he'd really enjoy seeing you at his birthday party ... and so would his 12 or so yearling friends. I know that this might be different than the usual booking arrangements that you make, but please consider it nonetheless.
We would not be able to pay you a lot -- there are three of us living off of a teacher's salary. However, we can promise you a good time. You can have the second slice of cake. We will also have homemade sweet tea, S'mores, and ice cream. Afterwards, we will take you to get some of the best BBQ around and you can see the local cloggers dance the night away.
We will understand if you cannot make it ... and if you can't, we will be sure to play your CD. Just think about it, okay. We are not too awful far from Concord and we think that you'll love our neck of the woods. We hope to see you soon!
Andrew, Anna, and Sprout
Monday, January 31, 2011
I just got out of the shower because I wanted to wash today away! I guess I thought living out a metaphor would help me to feel better. And, I think it did a bit. Honestly, I think I am just so tired and so analytical that this day was bound to happen. But really, I have no real reason to be down. As one of my friends would say, "I am too blessed to be stressed!" So true. I had my time to pout and worry and be sad and mad ... and now it's time to stop.
Here is a list of good things about today:
1. This silly little blog. I love writing in it! I, Anna, am a nerd. I LOVED writing college papers. Seriously! I really enjoyed tweaking my words and making them just right. I don't know, writing is like arts and crafts for me. I get to make my own creations whenever I am inspired or feel the need to do so.
2. A singing drum. Sprout is in his playpen right now bouncing to the rhythm of a singing drum. It is such a corny little thing but he gets the biggest kick out of it! And I am getting the biggest kick out of watching him dance! Yay drum! Thanks for the laughs.
3. The Avett Brothers. I love music, but I have never been too much of a concert person. I have never gone online to see when and where bands are playing ... until the Avett Brothers came along. I was saddened to see that their closest booking is five hours away. BUT TODAY ALL OF THAT CHANGED! In April, they are going to be in Charlotte and I am going to be there singing along with them. Also, we've inquired about them singing at Sprout's first birthday. More on that later.
4. A good egg. Today at lunch, I peeled my hard boiled egg like a true pro. Usually, half of my egg comes off with the shell. That was an exciting accomplishment for me. And I got extra protein because of it.
5. My class. I love watching my kids grow and learn. And I love that Donna comes in smack-dab in the middle of my day to help out. We all have fun together. And as I walked through the school doors at the end of the day, I thought about the wonderful people that I have worked with this year and in the past.
6. Me and Andrew and Sprout looked at pictures of bulldogs on the Internet. It's one of our favorite past times. One day were are going to have a bulldog of our own and we are going to name it Ferdinand (after the flower smelling bull). Ferdinand is a picture book ... do yourself a favor and read it if you never have.
7. My husband just walked in with a surprise ... a stuffed toy bulldog, an ivy plant, and a rental video! He's the best in the world. And guess what ... Sprout is just like him.
Goodbye for now. It's is time for me to enjoy what is left of this Monday.
Love always,
PS: Hope we can all get a good night's sleep and wake up all ready for Tuesday!
Here is a list of good things about today:
1. This silly little blog. I love writing in it! I, Anna, am a nerd. I LOVED writing college papers. Seriously! I really enjoyed tweaking my words and making them just right. I don't know, writing is like arts and crafts for me. I get to make my own creations whenever I am inspired or feel the need to do so.
2. A singing drum. Sprout is in his playpen right now bouncing to the rhythm of a singing drum. It is such a corny little thing but he gets the biggest kick out of it! And I am getting the biggest kick out of watching him dance! Yay drum! Thanks for the laughs.
3. The Avett Brothers. I love music, but I have never been too much of a concert person. I have never gone online to see when and where bands are playing ... until the Avett Brothers came along. I was saddened to see that their closest booking is five hours away. BUT TODAY ALL OF THAT CHANGED! In April, they are going to be in Charlotte and I am going to be there singing along with them. Also, we've inquired about them singing at Sprout's first birthday. More on that later.
4. A good egg. Today at lunch, I peeled my hard boiled egg like a true pro. Usually, half of my egg comes off with the shell. That was an exciting accomplishment for me. And I got extra protein because of it.
5. My class. I love watching my kids grow and learn. And I love that Donna comes in smack-dab in the middle of my day to help out. We all have fun together. And as I walked through the school doors at the end of the day, I thought about the wonderful people that I have worked with this year and in the past.
6. Me and Andrew and Sprout looked at pictures of bulldogs on the Internet. It's one of our favorite past times. One day were are going to have a bulldog of our own and we are going to name it Ferdinand (after the flower smelling bull). Ferdinand is a picture book ... do yourself a favor and read it if you never have.
7. My husband just walked in with a surprise ... a stuffed toy bulldog, an ivy plant, and a rental video! He's the best in the world. And guess what ... Sprout is just like him.
Goodbye for now. It's is time for me to enjoy what is left of this Monday.
Love always,
PS: Hope we can all get a good night's sleep and wake up all ready for Tuesday!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Dear Sprout,
Today there was sunshine. We have had a very beautiful ... but very cold winter. You love going on walks outside, but we can't take you out for long periods when it is literally freezing. And just when we thought that we would not see a warm and balmy day until March, the thermometer hit 61 degrees! We knew that today had to be spent outside.
Not too far from our little blue cottage, there is a park. It is our very favorite local green area because it's near a neat looking dam and it trails beside a rocky waterway. Though we love our city parks, this one has more of a rural, authentic hiking-in-the-mountains feel. Its paths are not conducive to strollers, so we carried you in a borrowed backpack that has seen three generations of babies.
Do you know what one of the neatest parts of being a parent is? Just looking at and watching your baby. Really! Mommy and Daddy just get the biggest thrill out of watching you discover the world. During the whole hike, you were bouncing and squealing and laughing and looking at everything. You loved the branches, the leaves, the river, and the dogs that passed us on the way. We have never heard you laugh like you laughed today. Seeing your happiness gives us such joy.
As the sun started to set, we made our way back to the car. You fell asleep before we even got to Grammy and Grampy's house. Mommy and Daddy watched you through the rear view mirror. We smiled and held hands and talked about how much we loved being parents. Our day was simple, but splendid. Isn't it wonderful how you can be blessed with a ray of sunshine just when you need it?
Love always,
Monday, January 24, 2011
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